I Luv U............R U There? TTYL?
Right off the bat let me start off by saying that I'm over 50, so okay, I might have a different perspective on technology than some of the Gen Xers and beyond. But, the truth of the matter is, no matter how old or young we are, our family relationships, really all of our relationships, are impacted by how differently we now communicate.
The convenience of a quick text (or you can insert email here as well) cannot be underestimated. We've all had those times when we just can't get into an extended conversation with someone, but need to relay some information. Text it, done. But the art of texting has gone well beyond the relaying of information. We now face communication and connection issues that are often the direct result of modern technology.
THE COWARD TEXT - Have you ever had plans with someone and then need or want to cancel? Texting makes it easy to do without having to hear their disappointment or irritation.
THE 'I NEED A FAVOR or INVITATION' TEXT - They might say no, and then I'll feel badly. I'm afraid to ask in person so I'll text my request. Then if they turn me down, they won't hear my disappointment.
THE UNANSWERED TEXT - Maybe they haven't looked at their messages or email lately. But, maybe they're mad at me. What did I do? Why didn't they respond? (Especially hard for insecure individuals).
THE ALL CAPS TEXT - Stop shouting! Not a way to 'talk' things out.
THE UNENDING TEXTS - What could have been a 5 minute conversation is an afternoon of texting.
THE MISUNDERSTOOD TEXT -Written thoughts often sound differently than if they were said and can have an unintentional tone.
THE MISDIRECTED TEXT - Horror of horrors, you hit the wrong name in error and send a private thought or personal message to the wrong person.
Of course, there are wonderful ways that texts and email can enhance relationships. The spouse stuck in a meeting can send a quick I Love You note. Or the teenager having to give a report in front of his/her class or about to take a test can get an encouraging note of support from a parent..."You can do it honey".
For someone who did not grow up with texting, email, or social media as part of my everyday life, I am still trying to figure out if the convenience of these means of communicating outweighs the potential impact they have on human relationships. How many of us have seen couples, even whole families, ignore each other at a restaurant as they each get lost in the private world of their cell phones. Or had a fun visit or a meaningful conversation with someone interrupted or ended completely when the sound of the Theme from Star Wars ringtone fills the air.
Speaking of social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter...they can all be wonderful tools to stay connected and share a bit about ourselves and our lives with others. Social media is becoming an important factor in the business world as well. As a health coach, I myself use social media to share recipes, information, the latest in nutrition news, and inspirational thoughts (https://www.facebook.com/PersonalJourneyWellness; https://twitter.com/peterson_bonnie). But it can have a flip side. Why did they unfriend me? Or worse yet, they blocked me! What does that mean? It can be hurtful to say the least. Or you see pictures posted of all your friends together or at a party and wonder why you weren't invited. You have no way of knowing the circumstances, but the pain of feeling left out is real and can run deep. Social media posts are often the view of themselves that most people want others to see. Their reality, however, may be quite different.
Will we hopefully get tired of talking with our thumbs and learn to face each other again? Or actually use our phones to hear each others voices...to tell someone how much we care about them and hear their love in return? Will we move beyond using social media as a primary way to share ourselves with the world, as a tool to shed someone from our lives, or to make a point when we have an issue with a friend or family member?
While understanding that internet and wireless communication is here to stay, my hope is that we can get a handle on our collective attraction to this distraction, and take time to put it down, look around, and experience real life human connection.
I would love to hear your voice and connect with you. Would you enjoy having 30 minutes to talk with someone who would love to hear your thoughts and your goals for your health and your life? I offer a free health coaching consultation call or meetup. Call me at 859-779-8325 or email me at bonnie@personaljourneywellness.com. Let's talk!
I would love to hear your voice and connect with you. Would you enjoy having 30 minutes to talk with someone who would love to hear your thoughts and your goals for your health and your life? I offer a free health coaching consultation call or meetup. Call me at 859-779-8325 or email me at bonnie@personaljourneywellness.com. Let's talk!
In the meantime, please enjoy this 1 1/2 minute video entitled A Silent Message for All of Us: